Hi, Challenge Seekers!
CHRONICS, the most anticipated Product Design and Ergonomics Competition among undergraduates in Southeast Asia is here again to challenge all the creative minds out there!
Are you one of them?
If you are, prepare yourself to join this annual Product Design and Ergonomics Competition held
by the Industrial Engineering Student Association (HMTI) of Gadjah Mada University.
Give your best ideas and get the chance to showcase your product!
Allign your ideas to this year's theme:
“Igniting Children’s Interest in the Science Field through Engaging STEM Toys”
Mark your calendar with these important dates!
April 10th - May 7th : Registration and Abstract Submission
May 20th : Selected Abstract Announcement
May 21st - June 30th : Mini Proposal Submission
July 23rd : Top 10 Announcement
August 19th - August 20th : Mentoring Days
August 21st - August 22nd : Technical Meeting
September 14th - 17th : Final Stage
Final Stage will be held in Yogyakarta!
Are you brave enough to take the challenge and show how your ideas might change the world?
Don't miss the opportunity!
Start by registering and submitting your abstract for FREE!
If there is any change in timeline, will be informed through CHRONICS’ official website and/or social media.
Find us on our social media!
Reach us at:
Instagram: @chronicsugm
LINE@: @tfj0405t
Facebook: facebook.com/ugmchronics
Twitter: @chronicsugm
Tiktok: @chronicsugm
Email: chronics@ugm.ac.id
Official Website : chronics.id
If require any further information, contact our committee at:
Basta +62823 85030509
Gregor +62877 05727327
Informasi Pengajuan Dispensasi
Persyaratan: 1.Persetujuan tertulis secara manual ( tulis tangan ) oleh orangtua/wali mahasiswa dan bermaterai. 2.Slip gaji orang tua terakhir yang dikeluarkan instansi terkait/surat keterangan penghasilan orang tua yang diketahui pemerintah desa setempat. 3.Fotocopy KTM. 4.Fotocopy KTP orang tua/wali. 5.Fotocopy kartu keluarga. 6.Transkrip akademik terakhir. Sistematika: Datang ke BAK guna mengumpulkan berkas dan meminta form pengajuan dispensasi. Dispensasi dilayani waktu revisi KRS tanggal 21 September 2020. Jadi temen-temen bisa ke BAK sebelum tanggal tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat✨ #ums #kmti #teknikindustri #salamunity
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